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A story of Self-Respect


I couldn't believe the number I was looking at. $1000 was the total of the bid I had just figured up. I had $5 to my name and couldn't believe that someone would actually pay me $1000 to paint their house.

I knew that we would do a great job, I knew that we would take care of her house and belongings, I knew that our products were great quality. BUT I DIDN'T BELIEVE.

My thought process was nothing but questions.

Why would she pay that much?

Why pay me that amount of money?

Who actually has $1000?

How does anyone have that kind of money?

These questions overwhelmed me to the point that I couldn't think of anything else. I was so scared she would say no and I needed the money so bad. I have a wife and kids at home that I have to take care of, and I feel like such a failure.

So, I stood in front of this potential client shaking like a tree limb in a windstorm. The words came out of my mouth with my voice cracking and mumbling "It will be $1000 to do this paint job."

She said quite simply "Um."

I heard this expression and freaked out. My mind went a hundred miles an hour and I just knew I was not going to get this job. I was going to fail my family again.

My response without letting her finish her thought was "I will do it for $700."

She looked at me with confusion and happiness, then responded "sounds great let's do it."

I was so excited, I wasn't a failure, my family would be proud, I am on my way to financial freedom.

Then we did the job.

After paying my employee and paying for the materials I made a whole $13.

My profit was in the $300 that I was so quick to let go of just by hearing the word "Um" and the negative questions that took over my life in a critical moment.

What that $13 did is make me start asking new questions,

Am I worth the money I believe I'm worth?

Do I really have the skills that would cause others to pay me that worth?

Why don't I respect myself enough to believe in myself?

The answers to these questions were



I have no idea.

Time to answer the question of self-respect and belief.

The answers I came up with was

I put my beliefs about someone else above what that person's reality really is. (I don't know what is going on in anyone else's life.)

I placed my thoughts of what someone else was thinking about me above what they were really thinking. (We cannot read other people's minds.)

Am I able to give myself credit for the training's and learning's I have been through to get me to this point in my life? (I have been painting and doing great work for many years.)

Final answer is this.

Other people's beliefs about you doesn't determine your beliefs about you.

The way other people live their life doesn't determine how you live your life.

Give yourself credit for even the littlest things in your life.

When you start doing these things your self-respect, confidence, and belief in yourself will grow, and grow, and never stop growing.

Don't wait until you have a $13 check in your hand to start your growth journey. Respect yourself and the great things you have done.

Your worth it.

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