Failing is unacceptable, this is bullshit. Failing is required
Failing is a natural part of the learning process, allowing us to grow and improve. A baby doesn't give up after the first time they fall when learning to walk.
Every failure teaches valuable lessons. Success teaches the achievement; failure teaches how to get there. There is no achievement without a path of failures along the way.
Embracing failure helps build resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. Failure is hard, sucks, and will hold a lot of pain. You're worth it, success is worth it, and those around you are worth it.
Failure is not the end, but a steppingstone toward eventual success. Just like two steps forward and one step back, makes you want to give up. You have to remember that the one step forward you still made is still a step forward.
Accepting failure as a necessary part of life empowers us to take risks and pursue our dreams without fear. Failure doesn't make dreams into nightmares; it actually makes them reality.
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